Website Development – The Foundation of Every Website

As a consumer, content and products/services are some of the basic drives that generate success for businesses. Although this may be the case, website structure and function can significantly facilitate and positively influence the shopper’s experience. At first glance, it may seem that every website has unique elements that make it stand out, but in fact, there are certain guidelines that most web pages follow which make it so that visitors can browse or shop with ease.

What is Website Development

Web Development is the formation of web pages through several steps that stress the design, structure, functionality, implementation, and effectiveness of the website. This is accomplished through the use of code involving a variety of coding languages, along with ideas of how the web page should look. Breaking it down even further, there are several aspects of web pages that are focused on when looking at how to create and manage websites.

These include front-end development, back-end development, and UI design. Front-end development aims to work with software that users interact with and ensures that everything visitors see and touch is functional. Back-end development, or server-side development, focuses on the “behind the scenes” activity and databases so that any action performed on the web page is effective. This is crucial to providing the best service possible and keeping your webpage running as smoothly and fluid as possible. UI design is fundamentally what it sounds like. It involves creating the layout and structure of the website.

Website Integration and Third-Party Assimilation

There are several purposes that web pages are designed for. Whether it’s for personal, commercial, or simply informational use, each website requires flawless integration onto its corresponding domain. Making sure that the web page can be reached on multiple platforms (desktop or mobile) and without errors or loading buffers is very important. Given a chance to choose between a website that sells chocolate, has no loading errors, and loads in 3-5 seconds as compared to one that sells the same product but doesn’t load half the time and takes 1-2 minutes to load, makes the choice of where to purchase chocolate a “no-brainer”. In the same way, web pages can be implemented by linking third-party websites, which add resources and services, and make the overall visitor/shopper experience much more enjoyable. These typically include big companies such as Amazon, eBay, LinkedIn, etc. Once associated, both value and reputation are increased for the given website. Some shoppers only visit web pages with certain prestige which is why having these associations can be exponentially beneficial.

Testing is KEY

Having a website without testing to see whether it works or not, is the same as owning a store, and leaving the “Closed” sign at the front door. You may have a good idea, great set-up, and even lots of money invested into your product, but visitors will not be able to access your web page or see its full potential. With that being said, constantly checking and testing your website after every change or update should be followed through. If possible, monitoring any feedback from visitors or comments made by others working with you is recommended. There are numerous elements involved in website development, and it only takes 1 coding mistake or design error to invalidate your website for future users. As a result, testing, testing, testing, to make sure that everything is functioning properly, should not be underestimated. Keep in mind that comparing and contrasting other websites can also serve to implement your own website.

Building a Team

It is smart to consider all your options when it comes to building a website. Depending on the circumstances and idea, it may be better to divide each aspect of the website design by tasks and hire people, with their respective skills, to complete your web page. However, as the person with the vision, you must be able to convey your idea clearly and constantly communicate with your team to produce your desired outcome. It may also be intelligent to hire someone who can help combine all aspects of your webpage and make sure that your
front-end, back-end, and UI design are working in unison. Nevertheless, the more hands and brains working on your website, the more prone it will be to bugs and overlapping conflicts between front-end and back-end developers.

Web Development team


All in all, Website Development is quite intricate and requires both knowledge and dedication to create and maintain it in the best possible shape. Making sure that you have all the necessary components in your website and that it is fully functional is a core value of successful web pages. It is important to note that regardless of how much money you invest in your website, having the core design, functionality, and structure is what requires the most attention. Based on how well you understand the structure of web pages will decide how fruitful your website will become.

If you want to get started, we are here to help you.